Find the spring in your step…

It’s funny how this time of year can either inspire or expire your motivation. Being a September baby, I always find the autumn exhilarating and I’m filled with energy for new projects and exciting plans to squeeze in before the end of December. I know others who, as Christmas looms, turn into prophets of doom ever feeling the need to roll off the exact number of weeks and days left until Christmas Day.

Whether autumn is your best time of year or not, it can be particularly hard when you’re huddled in your dressing gown as you sip your tea on a dark morning, to feel motivated to do much more than get through the work of the day. Any thoughts of changing your life, getting out of the rut or even trying a new hairstyle are way too tiring to think about until the spring.

But finding the spring in your step needn’t be about changing the world right now. Taking change step by step can excite and energise you as you tweak minor areas on your way to creating your great life. And those long winter evenings can be great opportunities for a ten-minute tweak. The telly beckons I know, but before settling down in slump mode, why not pledge to do something different for a few minutes one evening over the weekend?

It’s amazing how important watching a repeat of a motoring programme can suddenly become when there’s the challenge of doing something different down on the table. But even if you only take 10 minutes to clean out a drawer, make that phonecall you’ve been putting off, measure up for the shelves you need or take a brisk walk around the block – you’ll be suprised at how good you feel after a 10-minute tweak.

Of course the 10-minute tweak strategy is really about moving you from where you are to where you want to be. Applying it to your life goals as well as your kitchen drawers will be just as effective in moving you forward as it is in de-cluttering your home.

My 10-minute tweak today was to start a blog – slightly more than 10 minutes – but I hope you enjoyed it. I’m tweaking my way to a great new life – why don’t you join me?